
Saturday, September 21, 2019

Mario Party: Live!

Many of these pinnable ideas can be found live on my Mario Party Pinterest board.


Fold a piece of paper in half and cut around edges to make it look like a Nintendo DS. Draw a screen and controls in the inside of the card. Write party details on the "screen." 

Find a Mario pipe template online. Trace two pipes onto green paper so that the edges touch. Cut out a picture of Mario and stick it on top of a popsicle stick. Cut out a small, thin rectangle and glue the two ends to the inside of one pipe so that there is a gap between the rectangle and the side of the pipe.  Slide the popsicle stick through the slot and so that it appears on the bottom of the pipe--this way Mario can pop in and out. Glue the two pipe pieces together on all sides except for the bottom. Write party details on the back or front of card. 


The key here is color, cheer, and happy outdoor landscapes. Think about sidescrolling levels in Mario games.

Blow up white balloons and attach cotton. Attach two black buttons for eyes. Hang from the ceiling.

Hang up red and green streamers and balloons.

Create a backdrop. Hang up a teal blue sheet on the wall for a sky. Find images of Mario clouds, pipes, bricks, enemies, etc. and cut them out. Tape images to the sheet to create a scene.

Cut out Fire Flowers, tape them to sticks, and place into pots.

Use a block template to print, cut out, build, and stack bricks.

Hang up a banner in Mario font--see my board for banner. 


Images are not currently working...sorry! Please visit my board at the link above for images and descriptions.

Mario Party Extreme- Set up a game board with cardboard paper for spaces. Invite each guest to write "action spaces" on 3 sheets of paper, such as "You fell into Bowser's lava pits! Lose a turn." Interperse these action spaces among blank sheets of paper on the ground to create a game board. 

Everyone should start at the Start block. Players/teams take turns rolling a six-sided cube cardboard box with numbers on the sides. They move that number of spaces and follow the directions on the paper if there are any. The first player or team to the finish wins.

Mario Kart Race- Divide the group into teams of two. They should both have an obstacle course to maneuver through of equal length. You may use cones,  and stuffed animals or Mario enemies. On "go," the first player hops on their tricycle and goes to the end of the course and back without "falling" (leaving the course limits) or running into an enemy. Running into an enemy incurs a five-second penalty while falling incurs ten seconds. 

Yoshi Egg Hunt- Buy plastic Easter eggs, preferably polka dotted. You may also paint polka dots later. Hide them and invite the guests to find as many as they can. The guest who finds the egg with a paper Yoshi inside can win a special prize of your choosing.

Perler Beads- If you have a smaller group, invest in some square bead templates and bead kits. Find some templates on the internet--they're everywhere--and print them out. Let guests use the templates to make their own Mario characters or power ups. 

You may also make these yourself before the party and give them to guests as favors or place cards. 


Menu may be printed and displayed or just used as inspiration.


Print brick block patterns onto cardstock. Put them together and fill with chocolate coins.

See the Fire Flower decoration idea above. Fill the pots with chocolates and/or chocolate coins.

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